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How is hair simulation done in Alopecia (ringworm) disease?

Alopecia, known as ringworm, is a disease defined as the sudden loss of a part of the hair. This disease occurs due to various factors. Unfortunately, there is no definitive cure.

What are the factors that cause alopecia (ringworm) disease?

Various conditions are effective in the emergence of ringworm disease. These are the conditions that affect the genetic pathway, the disorder of the immune system and stress-based conditions trigger ringworm.


It is theoretically known that genetic coverage is a major factor in the occurrence of ringworm disease. The most prominent role is thought to be the genetic makeup of the person. If there is a family history of ringworm disease, the person also has a risk of ringworm. If this is the case, a doctor should be consulted beforehand.
Immune system
As a result of the correct and healthy functioning of the immune system, the human body has the ability to protect against diseases. The unhealthy functioning or non-operation of the lmmun.Hormone leads to the emergence of ringworm disease.


Stress plays a leading role in the emergence of many negative situations, it disrupts the correct functioning of the body, the presence of stress is dangerous for the hair, as the most important factor in the emergence of ringworm
Ringworm disease has many obscure features. Despite the improvement of ringworm, whose hair may not grow back? Regulate the disease and people whose hair returns to normal are still at risk of getting ringworm again. It is also not easy to detect, as it is not easy to diagnose. It is a situation noticed by hairdressers. The motion process of the disease is 3-staged Iğdır, the first of which is the unexpected loss of hair. Then it becomes wider at the points where the spill is experienced. Towards the last stage, whitened hair appears. The process of the ranks is long and gives the person Hard times. Due to the uncertain and uncertain characteristics of this disease, hair simulation is recommended for people with ringworm. Thus, with the shading process to be applied to the shed areas due to ringworm, there is no trace of the person’s ringworm.

Things to Consider About Ringworm ?

The reason why hair simulation is recommended to people with ringworm disease is because it is a healthier Islam. Operations with thick needles under the skin in hair tattooing pose a great risk to the health of people who have had ringworm. The needles used in tattooing may pose a risk of infection. Hair tattooing is a heavy and painful procedure. In addition, the chemical in the dyes used in hair regrowth causes the ringworm to increase more? Although the hair tattoo is long-lasting, the methods used in the treatment of ringworm have the opposite features. Since the stages of ringworm last for a long time, the hair tattoo process may not be performed properly. The process of both jobs can trigger each other. Will harbor risks. People suffering from ringworm should first see a specialist doctor and the apartment he will give should start the treatment process by following the actives. Then, the expert’s opinion on the lack of suitability for the hair simulation process should proceed in an appropriate direction.

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